Thousands of residential pool owners rely on PristineBlue® for comfortable, clean, clear water. Add PristineBlue® in your water and forget about it. You've got better things to do with your free time than worry, on a daily basis, about the condition and appearance of your swimming pool.
The long-lasting formula of PristineBlue® lets you escape the chore of daily water testing and maintenance. With PristineBlue®, you'll follow the simple maintenance program prescribed by your dealer just once every 2 weeks.
Starting your pool on PristineBlue® is easy! You'll find everything you need to start your chlorine pool on PristineBlue® in one of our Start Up Kits. Call to today for additional information.
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Pristine Pool and Spa - New Buffalo Michigan

  • Water treated with PristineBlue® feels softer and inviting your family without a chemical taste or odor.
  • It's gentle to equipment and it won't bleach your liner or swimsuit.
  • You can swim immediately after application.
  • Proudly made in the USA
  • Eco friendly and economically priced
  • Pristine Pool and Spa - New Buffalo Michigan

  • Over 22 years of proven effective formula.
  • No chemical taste or odor
  • Pool maintenance is only twice a month
  • Formulated to be gentle on equipment, skin, hair, and eyes
  • Pristine Pool and Spa - New Buffalo Michigan

  • PristineBlue® backwash will not harm your grass
  • Your eyes won't burn.
  • You won't believe how good your skin and hair feel after swimming.
  • Over the course of a swim season, PristineBlue® costs about the same or less than chlorine.